- What did you do this past week?
This week consisted of a lot of working on our team’s project. I worked heavily on getting the data pulled from our APIs and stored in our database. We ran into some issues with how we picked our models, and had to change them but I’m happy with the changes we made. Now, I’m going to be working on adding a few more relationships to the information in the databases and get the backend tests done.
2. What’s in your way?
I just feel really stressed about getting all the requirements done in time because of all the other school work I have, but I’m really glad we got the extension and I think we will be able to pull through with the requirements.
3. What will you do next week?
Next week, we will start working on Phase 3 of the project and hopefully start refining our UI so that it looks nice and clean.
4. If you read it, what did you think of the Interface Segregation Principle?
I thought it was a good article and made a lot of sense in terms of constructing classes such that there are minimal side effects when making changes to certain aspects of the code. I enjoyed how they discussed how recompiles in the code really affects how efficient the code runs from a lower level perspective.
5. What was your experience of comprehensions, yield, closures, and decorators?
I’m still finding it a bit difficult to wrap my head around some of the topics we talked about this past week and identifying when a function is a closure. I will have to rewatch the lectures to really get a better grasp on these concepts.
6. What made you happy this week?
Spending time with friends last night after a very stressful week!
7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip of the week is to ask your TA assigned to your project questions through teams. Every time I ask a question to Sung, he provides really helpful feedback and is really knowledgable about software engineering!