CS373 Software Engineering Blog #3: Lilia Li

Lilia Li
3 min readFeb 7, 2021


  1. What did you do this past week?

This past week I have been working steadily on the Collatz Project. I implemented a working version that was able to pass the first two tests on Hackerrank with the optimizations that were discussed on Monday. And then after we discussed caching techniques on Wednesday, I reimplemented my solution with a meta cache.

2. What’s in your way?

My solution utilizing the meta cache is able to pass the first two tests, however I currently have a bug that is causing some max cycle lengths to be 0 rather than the correct value. I’ll be working tomorrow to try to fix this bug!

3. What will you do next week?

I need to familiarize myself with using the tools to create unit tests and run the coverage tool on them, as well as integrating my Collatz project with Docker so that I can run my code in an environment with those tools.

4. If you read it, what did you think of the Continuous Integration?

I thought it was a very informative paper on good practices to have when utilizing Continuous Integration and really explained how it works in layman's terms.

5. What was your experience of Collatz? (this question will vary, week to week)

So far it’s been good. The bug that I have with my code is stressing me a bit, but I know I will figure it out if I just spend a little more time on it. I also haven’t tested my code out yet with Docker so I need to get on that soon after I have a working solution.

6. What was your experience of exceptions? (this question will vary, week to week)

I have worked with exceptions before in java with try-except clauses, however I now have a much deeper and better understanding of them now after Professor Downing explained them. I didn’t know you could build your own class of Exceptions and will definitely be trying that out. I’m looking forward to learning about the finally clause next week in lecture.

7. What made you happy this week?

My parents came home from where they’re living (Dallas) so I got to see them for the first time in about a month so that was very nice!

8. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is utilizing the built in version control features within VSCode to automatically synch with Github or Gitlab to make committing and pushing your changes to code much faster. Using the little branch icon on the left menu bar, you can see all the files that have been modified, and then in the text box you can type your commit message, then press command + enter (while will commit your changes), and then all you need to do is a ‘git push’ in your terminal.



Lilia Li
Lilia Li

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